Emergency Funds

Low-cost borrowing to help you through difficult times.

We provide loans, usually for no more than a few hundred pounds, to customers in need of urgent financial assistance or to purchase necessities.

Applicants would normally be expected to have maintained an account with us for at least three months before applying for a loan. Exceptions are, however, considered.

Awards can be agreed as either a loan or at times a grant or a mixture of the two, depending on a customer’s circumstances. Funding is not available to pay off credit card debts or ongoing commitments, such as rent or a mortgage.

To apply for emergency funding, simply complete the application form and make an appointment with one of our team. You will also be required to provide a statement of income and expenditure, preferably in advance of the meeting.

Applicants may be expected to show that they have already attempted to obtain funding from Customer and Local Services.

We welcome referrals from other support agencies, such as Citizens Advice, Parish Halls and other charities and government service providers.

Once we have received the appropriate documentation, we will process your emergency funding application, usually within two working days. Please help us by providing as much information as possible.

Each individual’s circumstances are assessed to ensure they have the means to repay the loan. As a responsible lender, it is preferred that loans are for no longer than 12 months so that they do not become a burden to the applicant. We strive to ensure that any repayments are both affordable and appropriate to your financial situation.